










28 3 月, 2024

加拿大社区 –向 PIFI 提交意见:尊重加拿大华人的民主权利,反对现代的排斥

2024 年 3 月 27 日

加拿大1885年成立的皇家华人移民委员会对华人来说结局并不好。 它导致了四项华人移民法案。 最后一项是1923年的排华法案。 在2023年,有人要求对中国的干涉和影响进行公开调查,并设立外国代理人登记处。 当前事件与一百年前的排华法案之间存在直接联系。
尽管“外国干涉公开调查”的标题无伤大雅,但加拿大人认为调查聚焦于加拿大华人社区。 我们社区中的一些人担心政府和所有政党的定位,会对我们参与民主选举进程并投票给我们希望的任何人的民主权利攻击,受到“外国势力影响”的怀疑。 我们再一次有了被排除在外,被剥夺了民主权利的恐惧。
在对华人侨民怀疑阴云下,我们的社区机构正在受到影响。华人社区机构被指控为所谓的中国“警察局”。比如大蒙特利尔华人服务中心为魁北克华人服务了50年,遭受污蔑、调查并被排除在政府资助之外。 它正处于危险之中,由于缺乏资金而会被迫关闭。 还有加拿大华裔科学家甘延太1) ,黄清2)被指控为中国从事间谍活动。此后由于RCMP没能向法庭提供任何证据,他们未获得任何定罪,他们的案件在多年后被搁置调查。 同样,PCMP也没有提供任何证据证明华人服务中心是中国“警察局”。
《排华法案》通过一百年后,加拿大华人仍然为自由政治表达与参与的民主权利; 竞选公职;投票给他们想要的任何人,而不会面临外国干涉的指控影响而奋争。 加拿大华人有权以安全及明确的归属感为自己在这个国家的历史,对加拿大的贡献而感到骄傲;他们还应该有能够承认祖籍国今天所取得的成就,而无需引发“外国干涉”说法的能力。
我们,以下签名者,赞同公开信:“加拿大华裔——我们都是加拿大人”。此封公开信由陈氏公所 Jimmy Chan 代表提交,共有 49 名共同签署者,并于 2023 年 4 月 28 日在 La Presse 上发表。 3)
William Ging Wee Dere, Chinese Canadian historian and author
Tina Jiuru Zhu, Founding President, Canada China Friendship Promotion Association
May Chiu, Attorney and community activist
Xixi Li, Executive Director, Chinese Family Service of Greater Montreal and Centre Sino Québec de la Rive Sud
Jonathan Dai, President, Canada China Council for Cooperation and Development
Walter Chiyan Tom, Lawyer and community activist
Henry Lee, Malaysian Association of Canada
Helen Li, Chair, China Solidarity Committee
Commission Marking the 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act
Canadian Association of Chinese Performing Arts (CACPA)
Canada China Council for Cooperation and Development
HM Peace Building and Research Society
Chinese Family Service of Greater Montreal Centre
Sino-Québec de la Rive Sud
Canadian Association of Chinese Professors (CACP)
Southern Medical University Alumni Association of Canada
Nanchang University Alumni Association of Canada
Canada Jiangxi Association

附件公开信: 我们都是加拿大人
1788 年,华人第一次来到加拿大。1885 年开始的淘金热和太平洋铁路的修建吸引了更多的华人像很多其他族裔的移民一样涌入加拿大。由于加拿大当时的条件极为恶劣,数以千计的华工将生命留在了太平洋铁路的工地上。
多年来,我们在一个对新移民来说并不总是友善的国度中,努力地为创造一个美好的未来而奋斗。我们只需想想 1885 年臭名昭著的华裔人头税和 1923 年的排华法案,就知道华人在长达 60多年的时间里生活在怎样的歧视和恐惧之下。2006 年,我们终于等来了加拿大政府的道歉,我们接受了这个道歉。我们相信,这样的恶行不该发生,也不允许再一次在加拿大社会中发生!我们来到加拿大是为了寻求美好的生活。我们积极参与建设一个在世界上具有强健而稳定的民主机制的国家。加拿大人权宪章赋予我们和我们的孩子享受在加拿大社会中自由和平等的权利,使得每一个人在这个国家都感觉像在家一样安全。
这也许是因为孟晚舟和俩个迈克的事件,也许还有新冠疫情以及所谓的间谍气球,特别是近期对 外国政府干预加拿大大选的指控和皇家骑警正在调查的中国警察站。加之新闻媒体对这些“故事” 捕风捉影、添油加醋、耸人听闻的报道;皇家骑警对社区成员的不停问讯和调查,华人社区和每 个成员面临的巨大压力和恐惧可想而知。这一切,不仅极大地改变了我们所生存、生活的安全宁 静的环境,也在改变加拿大社会对华人社区的和谐友善的看法。加拿大社会引以为豪的这片自由 的土地,正在因为华裔社区所面临的巨大恐惧和忧虑而受到质疑和挑战。
像所有加拿大人一样,我们相信各种制度是民主社会的根基。我们支持所有为完善和加强我们社 会制度的努力。我们欢迎和支持新闻媒体和司法机构为捍卫我们社会制度所做出的专业和尽心的 工作,但同时我们也呼吁加拿大社会要极力避免一叶障目给华人社区带来的误解甚至歧视。
正如 2023 年 3 月 17 日“环球邮报”所发表的那篇《我为什么为中国干预加拿大大选吹哨》一文(1)所说:


这正是我们所支持、所希望、所期待的!100 年前,我们生活在恐惧之中,现在,我们要做为一个整体共同阻止此类事件再次发生!



Open Letter to the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference from members of the Chinese
Canadian community – Submission to PIFI
Respect the Democratic Rights of Chinese Canadians and Oppose Modern Day Exclusion

March 27, 2024

Canada’s 1885 Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration did not end well for the Chinese. It
resulted in four Chinese Immigration Acts. The last one was the 1923 Chinese Exclusion Act. In
2023, there were demands for a public inquiry on Chinese interference and influence, and a
foreign agent registry. There is a direct connection between current events to those of a hundred
years ago.
Despite the innocuous title of the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference, Canadians see the
inquest spotlight aimed at the Chinese Canadian community. Some in our community are
concerned that the positioning of the government and all the political parties as attacks on our
democratic rights to participate in the electoral process and to vote for whomever we wish
without raising suspicions of being influenced by a foreign power. Once again, we have a fear of
being excluded and deprived of our democratic rights.
Under this cloud of suspicion over the Chinese diaspora, our community institutions are being
targeted for alleged Chinese “police stations.” Community organizations such as the Chinese
Family Service of Greater Montreal, which has served the Chinese Quebecois for 50 years, are
stigmatized, investigated and excluded from receiving government funding. It is in danger of
being closed due the lack of funds. Chinese Canadian scientists, e.g., Yentai Gan1 and Qing
Quentin Huang2, have been charged for spying for China. No conviction has been obtained since
no evidence was presented before the courts, and the cases have been stayed after many years of
investigation. Similarly, no evidence has been provided to prove that the Chinese Family Service
is a Chinese “police station.”
A hundred years after the passing of the Chinese Exclusion Act, Chinese Canadians are still
fighting for the democratic rights of free political expression and participation; to run for office;
and to vote for whomever they wish without facing accusations of foreign interference and
influence. Chinese Canadians have the right to be proud of their history in this country, and their
contributions to Canada, with a safe and unambiguous sense of belonging. They should also have
the ability to acknowledge the present-day accomplishments of their ancestral homeland without
provoking the trope of “foreign interference.”
We, the undersigned, endorse the open letter, “Citizens of Chinese Origin – we are all
Canadian,” submitted by Jimmy Chan of the Chin Win Ching Ton Family Association on behalf
of 49 co-signatories, and published in La Presse, April 28, 2023

More than two hundred years ago, the first settlers from China arrived in Canada. This was followed by a
wave of immigration that started in 1858. First, it was for the gold rush and afterwards, from 1881 to 1885,
for the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway where, as a result of poor working conditions,
hundreds of Chinese immigrants died.
Throughout the years, we worked hard for a better future in a country that was not always welcoming
towards immigrants. We only have to mention the discriminatory head tax in 1885, and the Chinese
Immigration Act in 1923, together restricting Chinese immigration for more than 60 years. In 2006, the
Chinese Canadian community accepted the long-awaited apology from the Canadian government. We
believe that this should not have happened and indeed should not happen again.
We came to Canada, seeking a better life, and to participate in building a country that is one of the
strongest and most stable democracies in the world. We wanted our children to enjoy the freedoms and
equality rights that are constitutionally protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We
wanted to build a society where everyone feels safe and at home.
Today, Chinese Canadians represent one of the largest ethnic groups in the country. Jointly with our fellow
Canadians, we are proud of what we have achieved. We are also proud of our contribution. One can
mention the Right Honorable Adrienne Clarkson, Patrick Chan, Margaret Gee, the Honorable Norman L.
Kwong, former senator Vivienne Poy and many others. They are part of our history.
Until a few years ago, we were comfortable as Chinese Canadians living in Canada. This is changing. There
has been increasing pressure on our community and its people. It seems that the differences and tensions
between the governments of Canada and China now have direct repercussions on us. It started perhaps
with the American extradition request regarding Meng Wanzhou and the arrest of the two Michaels in
China. There was also COVID-19 and, most recently, what was called the “spy balloon”, the allegations
about the “Chinese” election interference and the alleged “police stations from China” that are now under
investigation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). If we add the media coverage of these stories,
sometimes sensational and unsubstantiated, and the RCMP increasingly asking questions to community
members, mostly because of their ethnicity, one can easily understand the increasing pressure we are
facing. All that has drastically changed the social environment we live in across Canada and the way we
are being perceived by our follow citizens. We feel that what makes Canada a land of freedom is being
tested as our community live in fear.
Like all Canadians, we believe that our institutions are fundamental pillars of our democracy. We support
every initiative that can make them stronger. We welcome the media and the law enforcement authorities
to do their work. But in doing so, please avoid creating stigma and discrimination against the Chinese
Canadians. As mentioned in the opinion entitled “Why I blew the whistle on Chinese interference on
Canada’s election”(1), written by a national security official and published in the Globe and Mail on March
17, 2023:
“With that said, we must all recognize that this is not a partisan issue. Nor is this a China issue.
Your fellow progressive Canadians, your fellow conservative Canadians, and your fellow Chinese
Canadians are all just that: Canadians. In having this conversation, we must resist the reflex to
reduce the challenge that faces us to one of us versus them. We must recognize that protecting
our civic values should not, need not and cannot come at the cost of abandoning our commitment
to diversity and multiculturalism. We must come together as a national community and ask
ourselves how we can do better – this time, the next time, and all the times that follow.”

This is precisely what we stand for and what we hope and expect from our country. We have in the past
lived in fear. We collectively must not allow this to occur again.

1) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/yantai-gan-cleared-jordan-decision-1.6815523


3) https://www.lapresse.ca/debats/opinions/2023-04-28/citoyens-d-origine-chinoise/nous-sommes-tous-


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